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Our mission is to ensure that all Canadians value our fish and other aquatic species as a national treasure worth preserving for future generations.

Monday, March 31, 2014 - 15:36

The environmental petitions process under the Auditor General Act provides a formal means for Canadians to bring their concerns about environmental issues to the attention of federal ministers and departments and to obtain a response to their concerns. The Office of the Auditor General of Canada has created a guide to help people better understand the environmental petitions process and to provide some suggestions to prepare well-crafted and concise petitions.

The environmental petitions process can play a key role in ensuring good federal management of environmental and sustainable development issues. The petitions process contributes to government accountability and transparency by raising these issues to the ministerial level within departments and creating a public record of the government's response to the issues.

Friday, March 28, 2014 - 17:13

OTTAWA — B.C. conservation groups are asking the federal auditor general’s office to investigate the Harper government’s response to the $26-million Fraser River sockeye salmon inquiry that was completed in 2012.

Critics have argued that the federal government not only ignored most of Justice Bruce Cohen’s recommendations, but also moved to weaken habitat protection laws and cut fisheries protection staff.

Read more at the Vancouver Sun.

Friday, February 21, 2014 - 19:45

This video says it all ...


Damsels in Distress from Sharptail Media on Vimeo.

